Dual airbags are mandatory on vehicles from April

Dual airbags - Kerala9.com

New Delhi: The Ministry of Road Transport and National Highways has made it mandatory to carry dual airbags in passenger vehicles. The ministry has ordered that the front passenger along with the driver must have an airbag. The Ministry of Road Transport and National Highways said in a gazette notification that from April 1, 2021, dual front airbags will be standardized for vehicles manufactured. Also, dual airbags are mandatory for vehicles launched from August 31.

The ministry said in a statement that the order was based on the recommendations of the Supreme Court Committee on Road Safety. The need for dual airbags at the front for the safety of motorists has long been a necessity. The notification also states that the airbag must comply with the AIS 145 standard under the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) specifications. The new decision by the central government is expected to push up car prices again. With this, the price of cars will increase from Rs 5,000 to Rs 7,000. The front airbag protects the passenger’s face and chest in the event of an accident. The airbag also helps to reduce the severity of the accident.