The Indian-made electric scooter listed in the Asia Book of Records

Gravton Motors electric scooter Quanta

Chennai: Gravton Motors’ Indian-made electric scooter Quanta has set a record for the shortest travel time from Kanyakumari to Ladakh.

It took just 164 hours and 30 minutes for the Growton team to travel from Kanyakumari to Khardungla in Ladakh. That is, it took them about six and a half days for this journey. The scooter also holds the record for completing the Kanyakumari – Ladakh journey in the shortest possible time. The scooter has been listed in the Asia Book of Records.

During the 4011 km journey, they never stopped to recharge the scooter. Instead, the vehicle’s battery was being replaced. Gravton Motors’ organized the trip to convince people how good their e-scooter is for long-distance travel. Company officials said that despite traveling more than 4,000 km at a time, the scooter did not have any problems with operation and the driver did not feel any physical discomfort.

The company said that the Growton team rested only after arriving in Manali after traveling 3400 km and that it was only for their body to adapt to the weather. Gravton Motors claims that the Quanta scooter can reach speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour, with a single charge of 150 km in economy mode, 110 km in city mode, and 85 km in sports mode.