New Delhi: Poet P Varavara Rao was granted bail in Bhima Koregaon case. The Supreme Court rejected the NIA’s request not to grant bail. The judgment of the court is based on health conditions. His lawyer told the Supreme Court that 82-year-old Varavara Rao is undergoing treatment for Parkinson’s disease. Subsequently, the Supreme Court granted permanent bail to Varavara Rao with certain conditions.
The location of the treatment should be reported to the NIA. The court also stated that it should not go beyond the limits of the trial court. The Supreme Court also observed that it is not right to release the 82-year-old man to jail. The Supreme Court asked the NIA how it could prove its findings against Varavarao. Varavara Rao’s lawyer told the court that the evidence produced by the NIA was fabricated. Varavara Rao’s counsel told the court that international reports had come out for forgery of electronic evidence.