Seoul: The first commercial 5G service in the world will start from South Korea on Friday (April 6). The new service will now get 20 times faster than the existing 4G service. That is, the seconds required to download a movie are just seconds. It is the first commercially available 5G service available in the world. This service will be available in South Korea, according to international media reports.
5G sets are required to get this service. Samsung’s S10 is now the latest 5G set in South Korea. The new service will be the debut. After South Korea, China, UK and USA are moving forward to launch 5G.
The Korean economy was the lowest in six years in 2018. But the economic-tech experts believe that the rapidly rising Internet market will help to overcome the upsurge in the industrial world. Reports say that 5G will be provided for Smart City and Autonomous travel.
With 5GB, it is expected to make huge changes in entertainment and gaming. At the same time, SK Telecom, Korea’s 5G introducing company spending so much money for the advertising of the 5G.