Kochi: Education Minister V. Shivankutty has said that the admission festival will be held in the state on June 1 and the state-level inauguration will be performed by the Chief Minister at Malayinkeezhu Boys School, Thiruvananthapuram. In a press conference held in Kochi, the minister said that 96 new schools will be inaugurated on May 23 and 142.58 crores have been spent for this.
3000 crores have been spent on new school buildings in the last 7 years. The minister also stated that the foundation stone was laid for the construction of 11 new school buildings.
Preparations for school opening will be completed before May 27. V Shivankutty said that 47 lakh students are expected to arrive in the new academic year and the school environment will be differently-abled friendly..
Attendance of children will be strictly checked. Schools will be extensively prepared for students. The green campus will be based on the concept of a clean campus. The minister said that anti-drug campaigns will be organized in schools and there will be a meeting of teachers’ unions tomorrow. The Minister informed that the higher secondary results will be announced on May 25 and the Chief Minister has called a meeting of ministers on May 22.
Meanwhile, SSLC issued notices to 3006 teachers who did not attend the examination evaluation without reason. He clarified that no money should be taken for admission to school and commercialization of education will not be allowed.